\ `hek-yü-ap \ v0.8.1

# Introduction

Kequapp is a non-intrusive Node.js web application framework designed to leverage Node's built-in features while staying out of your way. It can be used to create performant api's, html pages, and anything you can think of. Kequapp provides a robust and flexible foundation to build your web applications with ease.

Why Kequapp?

Kequapp is crafted with simplicity and modularity in mind. Here are some key features that make Kequapp stand out:

  • Modular Framework: Build your application with a modular structure, making it easy to manage and scale.
  • CORS Support: Handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing effortlessly with built-in support.
  • Body Parsing: Comprehensive body parsing capabilities, including support for multipart requests.
  • Async/Await Everywhere: Modern asynchronous handling with async/await throughout the framework.
  • Static File Serving: Serve static files efficiently and effortlessly.
  • Unit Testing Tool: Built-in unit testing tool to ensure your application is robust and reliable.
  • No Dependencies: Kequapp has zero dependencies, ensuring a lightweight and fast setup.
  • Node Features and Functionality: Exposes and leverages the full power of Node.js.

Getting Started

I want to make your experience with Kequapp as smooth as possible. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Installation: Install Kequapp via npm with a simple command:

    npm i kequapp
  2. Hello World: Follow the simple Hello World example to see it in action.

I believe Kequapp will provide you with the tools and flexibility you need to build great web applications. Dive into the documentation to explore more about each feature and how to leverage them in your projects.

If you have any questions, need further assistance, or want to contribute, feel free to reach out on the GitHub page.