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# Bundle Properties

Properties such as req, res, and context are found throughout the examples. These properties are generated for every request and available in every action.


Node's ClientRequest object. It is not modified by this framework so we can rely on the official documentation to use it. This represents the client request.


Node's ServerResponse object. It is not modified by this framework so we can rely on the official documentation to use it. This represents the server response.


If you need to know more about what the client is looking at in the address bar you can do so here. It is a URL instance generated from the req object.

Useful for examining the query string, for example by digging into searchParams.

    method: 'GET',
    url: '/hotels',
    actions: [({ url }) => {
        const page = url.searchParams.get('page');
        const categories = url.searchParams.getAll('categories');

        // page ~= '2'
        // categories ~= ['ac', 'hottub']


An array of methods available in your app at the current url (GET, POST, OPTIONS, etc.).


A place to store variables derived by actions, you might use these variables elsewhere in your code. Changes can be made here whenever you want and it may be populated with anything.

Maybe authentication details, a user object, or any data that's useful in other places.


When defining a route you may specify parameters to extract by prefixing a colon ':' character in the url. If you specified a route such as '/users/:userId' it will have a params item called 'userId'. Use a double asterisk '/**' to accept anything for the remainder of the url, it will have a params item called 'wild'.

Param values are always a string.


Includes helpers for get, set, and remove. The set method takes an optional third parameter with expires, maxAge, domain, path, secure, httpOnly, partitioned, and sameSite.

createAction(({ cookies }) => {
    // get a cookie
    const value: string | undefined = cookies.get('MyCookie');
    // set a cookie
    cookies.set('MyCookie', 'NewValue', { maxAge: 10000 });
    // remove a cookie


The logger being used by the application.


This method can be used in many ways so we will look at it in detail the next section.