\ `hek-yĆ¼-ap \ v0.8.1

# Ex

import { Ex } from 'kequapp';

An unhandled exception from your application results in a 500 Internal Server Error. If you would like an error with a different status code, there is a helper tool for that.

createAction(() => {
    throw Ex.NotFound();

The following examples are roughly equivalent:

createAction(() => {
    throw Ex.NotFound('Custom message', { extra: 'info' });
createAction(() => {
    throw Ex.StatusCode(404);
createAction(() => {
    throw Ex.StatusCode(404, 'Custom message', { extra: 'info' });

This makes it easy to utilize any status code 400 and above. These methods create errors with correct stack traces that can be thrown directly without the use of new.

Any extra information added to the end of the parameter list will be available by accessing ex.info. With the default error handler this information is stripped off along with the stack trace in production mode.

Name Status Code Message
BadRequest 400 'Bad Request'
Unauthorized 401 'Unauthorized'
PaymentRequired 402 'Payment Required'
Forbidden 403 'Forbidden'
NotFound 404 'Not Found'
MethodNotAllowed 405 'Method Not Allowed'
NotAcceptable 406 'Not Acceptable'
ProxyAuthenticationRequired 407 'Proxy Authentication Required'
RequestTimeout 408 'Request Timeout'
Conflict 409 'Conflict'
Gone 410 'Gone'
LengthRequired 411 'Length Required'
PreconditionFailed 412 'Precondition Failed'
PayloadTooLarge 413 'Payload Too Large'
URITooLong 414 'URI Too Long'
UnsupportedMediaType 415 'Unsupported Media Type'
RangeNotSatisfiable 416 'Range Not Satisfiable'
ExpectationFailed 417 'Expectation Failed'
ImATeapot 418 'I'm a teapot'
MisdirectedRequest 421 'Misdirected Request'
UnprocessableEntity 422 'Unprocessable Entity'
Locked 423 'Locked'
FailedDependency 424 'Failed Dependency'
TooEarly 425 'Too Early'
UpgradeRequired 426 'Upgrade Required'
PreconditionRequired 428 'Precondition Required'
TooManyRequests 429 'Too Many Requests'
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge 431 'Request Header Fields Too Large'
UnavailableForLegalReasons 451 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons'
InternalServerError 500 'Internal Server Error'
NotImplemented 501 'Not Implemented'
BadGateway 502 'Bad Gateway'
ServiceUnavailable 503 'Service Unavailable'
GatewayTimeout 504 'Gateway Timeout'
HTTPVersionNotSupported 505 'HTTP Version Not Supported'
VariantAlsoNegotiates 506 'Variant Also Negotiates'
InsufficientStorage 507 'Insufficient Storage'
LoopDetected 508 'Loop Detected'
BandwidthLimitExceeded 509 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'
NotExtended 510 'Not Extended'
NetworkAuthenticationRequired 511 'Network Authentication Required'